react Binge Watch Time is live! Over the years, I've used many TV show tracking apps but was never fully happy with them. To change that, I've decided to make one myself. Without further ado, let me present you
javascript Parse URLs in browser without extra dependencies Or how to win without extra bundle bloat 😉 Parsing URLs in Node.js is easy - just use the built-in URL module. On the front-end things get more interesting as it seems that,
react Integrate Stylelint into Create React App without ejecting This posts explains how to integrate Stylelint into Create React App without having to eject. On a larger scale, this approach allows for heavy modification of the Create React App built-in configuration usually not accessible without ejecting.
react Configure Create React App to consume ENV variables during run-time Or how to speed up the deployments by avoiding building your application for every environment separately In one of my posts, I described how to Configure Nuxt.js to consume ENV variables during
react Integrate Google Analytics with React Router v4 How to integrate Google Analytics with React Router v4 using a Route component explained.
ios11 How to perform force refresh in iOS 11 Safari Or how to perform real-device testing without having to clear the cache globally. Lately, I found myself testing on real devices often and noticed that the cache in iOS 11 is quite stubborn.
functional programming Check if an array contains numbers succinctly Or how to write a one-liner and still keep your code expressive. Here's that one-liner. const containsNumbers = !someArr.some(isNaN) What's going on here? First, our array uses the some method. This method
javascript How to auto-format your code effortlessly Or how to be lazy and still win. Is Prettier really prettier? How do you format your code - JS, CSS, HTML,...? And before you answer "manually", please don't do that.
nuxt Configure Nuxt.js to consume ENV variables during run-time Or how to go against the well-established patterns and still win. In my team, we started re-writing the platform that was long in the tooth with a lot of technical debt. It is
Welcome to my blog! After several years of postponing the "project blog", I finally decided to do it! Back in my college days, for about 60-70% of all my courses, I was a TA and