Or how to win without extra bundle bloat 😉
Parsing URLs in Node.js is easy - just use the built-in URL module.
On the front-end things get more interesting as it seems that, sigh, yet another dependency is needed. Turns out, it is quite easy to accomplish this on this end too. I also discovered this by pure accident 💙 although someone stumbling upon this post might be rolling their eyes. 😎
You can use the element <a>
to parse various attributes of a URL.
const a = document.createElement('a')
a.href = 'https://user:my-pass@vanja.gavric.org:5000/foo/bar/baz/?foo=bar&baz=qux#hash'
console.log(a.protocol) // 'https:'
console.log(a.username) // 'user'
console.log(a.password) // 'my-pass'
console.log(a.origin) // 'https://vanja.gavric.org:5000'
console.log(a.hostname) // 'vanja.gavric.org'
console.log(a.port) // '5000'
console.log(a.host) // 'vanja.gavric.org:5000'
console.log(a.pathname) // '/foo/bar/baz/'
console.log(a.search) // '?foo=bar&baz=qux'
console.log(a.hash) // '#hash'
After reading more about this problem it turns out that there is a URL Web API
if the browser supports it (looking at you IE and Edge). And guess what? The syntax is the same as with Node:
const modernA = new URL('https://user:my-pass@vanja.gavric.org:5000/foo/bar/baz/?foo=bar&baz=qux#hash')
// {
// hash: '#hash',
// host: 'vanja.gavric.org:5000',
// hostname: 'vanja.gavric.org',
// href: 'https://user:my-pass@vanja.gavric.org:5000/foo/bar/,baz/?foo=bar&baz=qux#hash'
// origin: 'https://vanja.gavric.org:5000',
// password: 'my-pass',
// pathname: '/foo/bar/baz/',
// port: '5000',
// protocol: 'https:',
// search: '?foo=bar&baz=qux',
// searchParams: URLSearchParams,
// username: 'user'
// }
In and out. Ciao!