I'm a full-stack web developer
specializing in front-end
I have experience with
HTML / CSSJavascript (front-end, tooling)Back-endDatabases3rd-party APIsProject managementTestingVarious
- Bootstrap
- Foundation
- SASS + Compass
- PostCSS
- Jade (Pug)
- Handlebars
- Backbone.js
- Angular.js
- React.js
- Redux
- jQuery / Zepto
- ES2015
- Webpack
- Next.js
- Material UI
- Vue.js
- Nuxt.js
- Apache
- Node.js
- Slim (PHP)
- CodeIgniter (PHP)
- Express (Node)
- Sails (Node)
- nginx
- MongoDB
- Redis
- PostgreSQL
- Facebook API
- Flickr
- Rdio
- SoundCloud
- hasOffers
- Cake API
- SalesForce
- Redmine
- Jira
- Agile
- Trello
- Jasmine
- Mocha
- Chai
- Selenium / WebDriver
- Jest
- TestCafe
- Playwright
- Puppeteer
- Command line
- Amazon Web Services
- Google Cloud Platform
I am technology-agnostic, selecting the most suitable languages, frameworks, and tools based on the specific needs of each project.
I am deeply passionate about web development, with a strong focus on translating user-centric designs into high-performance, scalable web applications that provide exceptional user experiences. My expertise lies in developing, testing, and deploying production-ready solutions, ensuring both technical excellence and business impact.